Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! Do you wonder where art fits in your life? Some of this week's links might be of service: How my illustration book is going. I am plugging away at translating this old puritan book. I've barely drawing. It's long. The excitement has worn off. But I'm trying to chomp at it a little...
13 days ago • 1 min read
Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! Enjoy this week's spark for your creativity: Discovering your creative calling. My friend Craig recently interviewed me on his God Sized Stories podcast. In this episode, I share my journey of discovering the role arts play in the mission. He's got lots of other great content too. Be...
20 days ago • 1 min read
Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! Enjoy this week's spark for your creativity: This week's art gleanings. I have been loving this 3-Point Perspective podcast for illustrators. It's reminding me of why I chose illustration as a major for my BA: the love of visual storytelling. Also, here's a round up of other drawing...
27 days ago • 1 min read
Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! Enjoy this week's spark for your creativity: Free (or next to free) art courses. Perhaps you're looking for some free (or next to free) places to find help learning an artform. Since one of my main crafts is visual art, here are some tremendous resources I've found helpful over the...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! What's been inspiriting your making this week? Here have been some from me: Puritan Children's Picture Book. Where am I at this week with illustrating a Puritan picture book? See this week's journey here. And see what's been inspiring me with this project here. The blessing of being...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! How do you begin the process for making art? What are your steps? Do you get scared? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? This week, I share my process for starting among other creative inspirations: Puritan Children's Picture Book. This week, I disclosed more about what my illustrated...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! Here are this week's arts-engagement curation: Artists respond to the Palisades fires. This is quite the sobering event. My brother moved to L.A. a few years ago and took me surfing right there in the Palisades. Artists already are rising to the occasion to meet needs. Other artists...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! This week, for me, is all about children's books. Perhaps this might fuel your own art-making this week: I'm writing a children's book. Going into 2025, I've decided to start illustrating a children's book. Additionally, as inspired by Austin Kleon's "Show Your Work," I also decided...
2 months ago • 1 min read
Hey there Reader! Here are my 10 favorite books which unleashed me as an artist in the missions world. If you'd like to see me talk through these books, consider becoming a Patron!: Worship and Mission for the Global Church (edit by James Krabill, Frank Fortunato, Robin Harris, and Brian Schrag) How it helped: There are SO MANY hidden happenings in the arts and mission world. This highlights many. Key quote: “Artists hold the keys to unreached people groups.” (Oswald) Culture Making by Andy...
2 months ago • 2 min read