Don't Aim To Be The Best, Be The Only

Hey there Reader!

What's been inspiriting your making this week? Here have been some from me:

  • Puritan Children's Picture Book. Where am I at this week with illustrating a Puritan picture book? See this week's journey here. And see what's been inspiring me with this project here.
  • The blessing of being exposed to other cultures. If you've been in church for any long period of time, we can become numb to the Sunday experience. This "numbness" to what is seen is why some painters might turn their paintings upside down. Seeing how other cultures worship can be truly enriching to your own faith journey.
  • Thinking about the big picture. Do you struggle with being bogged down with details? After watching James Gurney paint, I had this reflection on sketching with a paint brush rather than pencil. It helped me see "the forest from the trees" as they say.
  • "A Call for Weird Christian Art". Fine artist, Josh Tiessen, wrote this piece grappling with his experience as a believer in the church world while simeltaneously examining the strange nature of Scriptures own art and Christian work throughout art history.
  • Manifesto: How To Be Creative. If you ever get a chance, download and read Hugh Macleod's manifesto on creativity. My favorite quote: "Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with books on algebra, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the creative bug Is just a wee voice telling you,Iʼd like my crayons back, please.
  • "Don't aim to be the best, be the only." I love this concept by Kevin Kelly. Check out his full interview on the How I Write podcast for more wisdom nuggets.

- Matt


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The Yellow Ochre Newsletter

For over 13 years, I've been an artist in the Christian missionary world. Learn art and mission ideas to spark your creative engagement every Wednesday. Join like-minded artistic Christians looking for that extra nudge to use your creativity for God's mission.

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