Discover Your Creative Calling

Hey there Reader!

Enjoy this week's spark for your creativity:

  • Discovering your creative calling. My friend Craig recently interviewed me on his God Sized Stories podcast. In this episode, I share my journey of discovering the role arts play in the mission. He's got lots of other great content too. Be sure to check him out.
  • This week's art gleanings. I've started adding some of my problems and takeaways over on my website regarding the process of illustrating a Puritan picture book.
  • How do you journal? Creative work is always an interplay between imagination, play, and thought. And journaling is one part of the journey. I enjoy seeing others do it: journaling stories, Austin Kleon's 4 different notebooks, ten other types of journaling, and John Hendrix's Drawing is Magic prompt book. Maybe you do to.
  • How to find your visual voice (John Hendrix). Whether you are a visual artist or not, you might find some wisdom in this presentation by John Hendrix. I just recently came across Hendrix. I wish college-age-art-school-new-Christian Matt had known about him!
  • Certificate in Theology and the Arts. Speaking of school, no doubt, it is expensive. So when opportunities come with cheaper options, I like looking into them. Fuller Theological Seminar now has a certificate in Theology and Arts you can get for just around $1,000. See if this curriculum is something you're looking for. (**Thanks Jon Tello for passing this on!)
  • Consider: A day well spent. Seth Godin delivers such simple and incredible advice here. Before making decisions, take a moment and consider the end, or, the purpose. What does a day well spent look like? Then align your day (*cough* life) to that.

- Matt


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The Yellow Ochre Newsletter

For over 13 years, I've been an artist in the Christian missionary world. Learn art and mission ideas to spark your creative engagement every Wednesday. Join like-minded artistic Christians looking for that extra nudge to use your creativity for God's mission.

Read more from The Yellow Ochre Newsletter

Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! Did you know most of the Moravians were craftsmen? The missions world needs artists. This week's gleanings make a strong case for this: How art movements got their names. For the art history buffs out there, you might find this infographic fascinating. Building trust through your...

Nic Cole

Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! Do you wonder where art fits in your life? Some of this week's links might be of service: How my illustration book is going. I am plugging away at translating this old puritan book. I've barely drawing. It's long. The excitement has worn off. But I'm trying to chomp at it a little...


Weekly arts engagement inspiration from Matt Taylor. *Painters use mid-tone colors, such as yellow ochre, to prime their canvases. This helps get over the initial hump of beginning the painting. Hey there Reader! Enjoy this week's spark for your creativity: This week's art gleanings. I have been loving this 3-Point Perspective podcast for illustrators. It's reminding me of why I chose illustration as a major for my BA: the love of visual storytelling. Also, here's a round up of other drawing...