Culture-Making For The Children

Hey there Reader!

This week, for me, is all about children's books. Perhaps this might fuel your own art-making this week:

  • I'm writing a children's book. Going into 2025, I've decided to start illustrating a children's book. Additionally, as inspired by Austin Kleon's "Show Your Work," I also decided to document my progress along the way. You can find that on my Instagram account as well as even more behind-the-scenes updates on patreon.
  • A Liturgy for Beginning An Artistic Work. In light of my illustration endeavor, W. David O. Taylor has written this wonderful prayer for anyone beginning an artistic work.
  • How I'll do the children's book. Since I've already committed myself to daily sketching this year, I've decided to role the sketch work into this project.
  • My new little easel. Picasso's early work was detailed. His later work became abstract. Why? He aimed for the essence. He aimed to see and capture the essence of a thing. I'm doing the same in both life and art. I'm beginning to enjoy painting before sketching, thinking big picture instead of details. To help this, a shout out to my folks for getting me this new little easel for Christmas.
  • An homage to the Bluey theme song. Our family is a little late to jump on the Bluey bandwagon. The theme song might be one of my all-time favorites. Here is a simple breakdown of the time signature. Also, check out this orchestra version. Here it is on guitar. Here it is with a marching band. Here it is on other cool instruments.
  • Want to support this project in some way? If you'd like to leave me a tip or become a monthly patron for my children's book and other artistic works, I'd appreciate that!
  • How colors got their names. Ok, this came from an X post. But if etymology is your thing, you might be interested in this!

- Matt


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The Yellow Ochre Newsletter

For over 13 years, I've been an artist in the Christian missionary world. Learn art and mission ideas to spark your creative engagement every Wednesday. Join like-minded artistic Christians looking for that extra nudge to use your creativity for God's mission.

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Metallica and Reba

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