Artistic Responses To The Palisades Fires

Hey there Reader!

Here are this week's arts-engagement curation:

  • Artists respond to the Palisades fires. This is quite the sobering event. My brother moved to L.A. a few years ago and took me surfing right there in the Palisades. Artists already are rising to the occasion to meet needs. Other artists are trying to push the narrative of culture care in the sea of toxic culture-destroying news. The Brehm Center (Fuller Seminary's artsy-arm) shared this poetic reflection, being a stone's throw away from the fire.
  • When a typeface meets needs. A "typeface" is the fancy-pants lingo for fonts. Major points to Crossway for releasing this Dyslexia-Friendly Edition ESV Bible trasnlation! This video provides a beautiful overview of the project and translation process. Talk about art meeting needs!
  • Focus on the big picture. If you're like me, you're a detail-minded person. Here is a brief thought on how sketching with paint (instead of pencil) has helped me consider the "forest from the trees."
  • My top culture-making AI prompts. For some, AI can be scary. But it doesn't have to be. I've started a list of AI prompts to help you be a better culture-maker. Just head over to any free AI tool (Chat GPT, for example), and give them a try.
  • Works entering the public domain in 2025. Did you know an artwork's copyright expires after 95 years? That means every year, a slew of works are released in the public domain, free to use for all. So if you are looking to utilize this for any of your own projects, check out what art, film, characters, literature, and music is being released from 1929.
  • PODCAST: James Clear on habits and making art. I enjoyed this interview with James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. Here's a gold nugget: "Can you create something that is so good that the user of your [work] could have a before and after moment with it?"
  • Want a sneak peek at my book illustration process? For Patreon-members only, I'll be giving more behind the scenes access to how I approach illustrating a picture book. Be the first to find out what's going on before anyone else!

- Matt


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For over 13 years, I've been an artist in the Christian missionary world. Learn art and mission ideas to spark your creative engagement every Wednesday. Join like-minded artistic Christians looking for that extra nudge to use your creativity for God's mission.

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Metallica and Reba

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